We told you back in June that, after eons on the market, the charming but rundown mixed-use building at the corner of Washington and Flushing Avenues had gone into contract for around $2 million. There’s no record of a closing in city records yet, but we’re guessing that it happened very recently because yesterday a crew started demolishing the old Navy Yard Cocktail Lounge, which The Times last year referred to as the “Scariest Bar in Brooklyn.” This photo was taken by a tipster in the early afternoon yesterday. We’re dying to hear what the new owner’s plans are for the place.

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  1. Boutique Hotel? Yeah.. I would have just kept it a bar. Not sure why developers are so eager to gentrify the Flushing Ave warehouses/slum rows now, and not 15 years ago. Not like there’s a great view from the Navy Yard.